Nurul Utami
Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 1# / PB-022105
Business Letter
1. Letter Head (Kop Surat)
Letterhead is located at the top of a letter. Either an
official letter for the government or company. Head of Letter contains company
name, company address, telephone number, facsimile, company e-mail, company
website, company logo etc.
2. Refererence Line
Reference Line in an English letter usually containing
the letter in front of the name of the executive who signed the letter, followed
by a slash or a colon, then the letter typing name. Some companies add certain
codes or numbers based on their archive system. Reference is placed at the top
of the letter above date.
3. Date Line (Tanggal)
Date Line is the date of making the letter. While the
writing format for the date is month / day / year, for example October 10, 2013.
British Style writing format is almost the same as
writing in Indonesian, only on the date added by the suffix number. The date
position on the British Style is placed on the top right of the letter.
Writing the date of the American style month name is
placed in the starting position followed by the date ending in the comma and
year. Date position is located on the top left of the letter.
4. Inside Address
This section contains the name of the receipt of the
letter, the office, and the name of the company accompanied by the address. If
you are not sure who (name) the letter is intended, do not empty it, but try to
use its position, such as "Director of Human Resources". Give the
distance between the date and the recipient.
5. Attention Line
Attention Line must be used if the letter is shown to a
company or organization as a whole, but you want the letter to be handled by
someone (certain) in the company. Attention Line must be underlined or typed in
capital letters.. For example:
ATT:Mr. Akash Angkasa
ATT:Mrs. Melody Alexandria
6. Soluttion (Salam Pembuka)
The soluttion is located under the address and before the
contents of the letter. serves as the opening greeting or author's respect. The
opening greeting is written on the left. The first letter of the first word is
written in capital letters, while the other word is written in lowercase
letters. There are two types of opening greetings in letter writing, namely
British style, and American style.
In this section, the term is "Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms.
(last name of acceptance) ", for example " Dear Madam Yunianingsih
". But if the recipient's name is not checked, write the department's
name. Give the distance between the opening greeting and the contents.
business partners who have socialized with "Dear Sue"
use of punctuation marks on salutation using English style is written (comma or
comma) and in American style uses a colon.
Dear Mr. Krisman => example in British Style
Dear Mr. Krisman: => example in American Style
7. Subject Line (Perihal)
Subject Line must outline the purpose of the contents of
the letter made so that the reader will be easier to understand and also to
interest the reader. For example Invitation, Apology, and so on. This is an
optional part of the business letter, meaning we can list it or not. For
Subject: Salesman's incentive Compensation Plan
Subject: the canceling of the PT. Horriga Palembang
Subject: the ordering of shoes "spotex"
8. Body of Letter (Isi Surat)
Body of the letter is a place where you write down what
you want to convey. Paragraph in the contents of the letter must use a single
space and without a separation between each paragraph. Give the distance
between the end of the contents with the cover.
9. Complimentary Close (Salam Penutup)
This section as a sign that your letter has been
completed, usually ends with writing "Sincerely", "Sincerely
yours", "Thank you", and others. There is a comma at the end of
the closing and only the first letter uses capital letters. Give 3-4 lines
between the cover and the name, which will be used for the signature.
(Tanda Tangan)
This section is the signature of the letter writer,
usually using black or blue ink.
The enclosure notation is an attachment that is included
but on another page. If a letter contains documents or attachments other than
the letter, the writer must display the number of attachments by using
"Enclosure (number of attachments)", for example "Enclosure (4)".
copy Natation (Tembusan Surat)
Contains about copies (duplicated sheets). This section
is used to inform the recipient of the letter, that the letter is also sent to
those who need to know the contents of the letter. CC is placed in the bottom
left of the letter.
CC: Finance Section